What's in my Bag?
This is one of my favourite types of posts to read/videos to watch, so I thought I would share what's going on in my purse. My bag has not been prepped for this post, so here's a look at what I actually keep in my bag. I'll just be pulling things out and describing them, so you can imagine you're right there with me as all this is happening.First off, let me introduce my bag. No, it's not designed by any means, nor is it a very special and exclusive bag. This is a black purse from H&M, it's very sturdy and roomy. It has a large front pocket, and comes with a shoulder strap. It has studs on the bottom to keep the bottom clean, and I love the gold detail!
I always have two purses in use, one that is small, that doesn't fit very much, and I use that if I only need to bring my keys, wallet, and a phone charger. Otherwise, I use my bigger purse for things like going to the university for class, spending the day out, or mostly anything that requires me to bring stuff!